Website design and optimization

Keyword research

Keyword-focused content creation

Researching of your niche's competitors
Aero Caribbean Solutions
- Keyword-focused content creation
- Keyword research
- Assessing Google Analytics
- Researching of your area’s competitors
- Website design and optimization
Can You Really Blog Your Way to SEO Success?
There are many techniques used to optimize a website so that it shows up toward the top of Google’s SERPs (search engine result pages). All of them can be very effective when utilized properly, but few techniques are as valuable as having a solid blog on your website. SEO is a topic rife with concepts that many of us find totally foreign, but we all know what a blog is. Chances are, you’ve turned to the blogosphere yourself a time or two for any number of reasons.
Now, let’s think about what brought you to any single blog page. Obviously, you were looking for information. So, what made you choose that particular blog? There are likely hundreds of blogs dedicated to the subject you were searching for, so what made that one stand out? In the article below, we’ll explain why websites with blogs stand to benefit over those that don’t. Continue reading to learn more!
What are the Keys to a Successful Blog?
While every page of your website has innate value, few leave as much of an impact as your blog. That is, of course, provided that the blog has been designed to be a useful tool for your website. It’s not enough to simply have a blog. You need to cultivate it, fine-tune it and make sure that those seeking this information are more than satisfied with their findings. This sounds like a very tall order, but with dedication and diligence, anyone can craft a quality blog of their very own.
But first, you need to learn what makes for an effective blog – and what doesn’t. Let’s discuss the qualities of a great blog in further detail!
Regular Updates
When Google trawls the internet for websites to rank, its algorithms assume that websites updated more recently are going to be of higher relevance. Therefore, they are ranked highly in comparison to websites that haven’t been touched in years. But it can be a challenge – not to mention ineffective – to regularly change the content of your website’s home page, contact page and product pages. A blog is the easiest way to post regular updates to your website.
More than that, regular blog updates showcase your brand’s authority in your industry. A well-written blog composed of many relevant subjects over the span of years speaks to audiences in a way that commands attention and respect for your knowledge. And when readers feel confident that the information is correct and relevant, that garners greater trust. And heightened trust translates into more leads and then – with any luck – more conversions.
Yes, your blog needs to be informative, but you also need it to work for you. Think of your blog like a 24/7 employee: constantly working to sell your brand. When writing new blogs, backlink to previous entries and other areas of your website where applicable. This exposes readers to additional information that they may need or want, but it also shows Google that people like what you’re showing them. That’s because part of Google’s ranking algorithm relates to how long people spend on your website.
By using backlinks, you can keep readers on your website even longer. This looks great to Google, so much so that you can go up a few ranking points on that basis alone.
Images and Video
Visual tools like pictures and videos are a great way to break up a lot of text in a blog post, therefore making it more digestible for readers. A person is going to spend more time on your website if the flow and format of content is appealing, so these tools help a lot in that regard.
Additionally, images and video are a great place to implement some of your chosen keywords. They can be incorporated into alt-text and descriptions with ease. This strategy is a great way to not only create more engaging content, but also to make good use of your keywords without committing one of the greatest SEO sins: keyword-stuffing.
3 Reasons to Hire a SEO Agency
Search engine optimization, most often referred to as SEO, consists of a series of online marketing strategies designed to increase search engine rankings. For those among us who have no experience in online marketing, the concept may seem entirely foreign – and that’s understandable. SEO requires a certain amount of knowledge and experience to do well. When a business owner or manager wants to increase its brand’s likelihood of being found online, they should reach out to an experienced SEO professional to get the job done.
Why hire someone to ensure that your website is up to a certain SEO standard? Here are 3 compelling reasons to recruit the help of these specialized professionals.
Your Time is Valuable
The average person can certainly learn a lot about effective SEO strategy on their own, but that takes a lot of time. The standards are ever-changing, which makes it even more difficult for a person to conduct their day-to-day business while schooling themselves on SEO. When you’re trying to educate yourself on such complex subjects for the betterment of your business, you’re removing yourself from what you love and do best – providing a product or service to your customers.
A professional SEO agency can free up your time so you can focus on what counts.
You Don’t Want Your Website Penalized
Google is often changing what it considers acceptable in terms of SEO strategy – and it’s not like they make grand announcements about these changes. If you’re trying to optimize your website on your own, how are you going to know what’s suddenly become bad practice? If your website violates what Google considers acceptable, your ranking can plummet overnight. And nobody wants that!
SEO professionals such as Sonic IT Solutions keep their fingers on the pulse of this trade to avoid problems like this from wreaking havoc on your rankings.
You Want a Better Website
Your website should be working around the clock to bolster your sales and boost your reputation in the online sphere. SEO is so effective in its strategies because it makes your website more appealing to consumers, not just Google. From quality content creation to complete website designs, SEO experts have the tools and the know-how to do what needs to be done to create a website that works for you as it should.
It simply isn’t enough to throw together a website and hope for the best – not anymore. If you truly want to be a competitor in your industry, SEO is a must.
Contact Us
Your business’ website should function like a 24/7 employee – constantly at work to increase awareness of your brand. With the help of the SEO experts at Aero Caribbean, we’ll work with you to make that happen. Reach out to us today to learn more about the impressive list of SEO services that we offer!